Abstract Submission Guidelines
Participants are requested to e-mail the abstract of their research presentation at icamee19@itbhu.ac.in before october 15th, 2019. Abstract should be neatly typed in Times New Roman, Font size 12 with 1.5 spacing so as not to exceed more than 250 words. Single column should be used throughout text. Do not include figure, graph, table, image in the abstract. The title font should be Times New Roman, Font size 14. The name of authors and affiliation should be in Times New Roman, Font size 12 with presenting author in bold. The e-mail addresses of the presenting author and group leader/supervisor (where applicable) should be provided. The abstract will be published as such in the conference booklet. Please mention in your e-mail one or more conference themes listed below in which your work should be presented.
• Drug delivery
• Energy conversion
• Energy storage devices and processes
• Environmentally important reactions
• Sensing of Environmentally toxic ions/molecules/gases
• Sensing of biologically important chemicals
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
The poster boards and double-sided tape will be provided for fixing the posters to boards.
For “Poster Presentation” the size of the poster should be no larger than 48″(4 feet) in height (vertical) and 36″(3 feet) in width (horizontal).
Guideline for Oral Presentations
Slots for Oral presentations are available for selected abstracts only. MS PowerPoint presentation for 10-15 slides with visible fonts and clear pictures should be prepared by participants for an Oral Talk of 10 min (8 min + 2 min).